Where did the time go?
As we begin a brand new season, people say they really want and need to find time. They talk about it all the time. (No pun intended)
Time they say is an illusion. A concept. A feeling. It is fleeting.
It operates without our permission 24 hours daily, seven days a week.
Our respect of time comes from respecting our own schedules and priorities.
Finding time comes from a commitment to identifying timed priorities and keeping your word with yourself and your schedule.
The more often one practices keeping a priority of the schedule they have planned, the more time is your friend.
Making friends with time, means making time pockets that serve your peace of mind.
Realizing that what you say is what you get. Make a plan to say "I can find time, because time finds me when I am impeccable with my-schedule of priorities. When that happens there are pockets of time for me to fit more me time into.
It takes practice and commitment one day at a time!
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